Category Archives: API

Configure Cloudflare Worker as Health Canaries

We want to know immediately when the servers are not functioning or API servers break down. We can do this easily by setting up the healthchecks in CloudFlare. It alows us to send health checks pings to the destination URLs and you can also specify the expected HTTP code, or the target response text. This Continue Reading »

Should You Turn Your API into Asynchronous?

When Should You Turn Your API into Asynchronous? There are a couple of cases that you should consider turning your APIs into asynchrnous: Computation-intenstive (Time-consuming) If your API is about some heavy computation which may not return shortly, you certainly want to make it asynchronous. If your API is time consuming – which is larger Continue Reading »

How Video Merge Works?

Submit API for Video/File Segments URL Wait for Slots Server Downloads URL Server Merges Them Server Post Back the Target URL Server Deletes the Files/Data in 48 Hours The API: API to Merge Files/Videos Segments Submit URLs to merge API: $curl -X POST -s “” -d “s=URL1\nURL2\nURL3\n” This will return on sucess the following: { Continue Reading »